Thursday, August 8, 2013

Welcome to Lori Hardin


Lori Hardin's new website for her Port Orchard Salon.  Still a work in progress, but it should be a great way to help new and existing clients get in touch with this talented stylist. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Google News Archives

Lori Hardin, Port Orchard Washington.  In Kitsap county.    Look what I found on Google's archives.  Baby Jamie's announcement in the Brewster paper.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lori Hardin triathlete in Port Orchard Washingtion

Shaping up to be a good tri season this year.  Recently finished the Wentachee half marathon, with Lori Hardin and Peter Braun.  We drove over from Port Orchard and had a great time in Wenatchee.  The atmosphere was very charged and emotional due to being so close to the Boston mararthon bombings.  The race went good, and now we are looking at signing up for the Chelanman Olympic tri and the Tri Turtle tri.  We like to support local Kitsap events when we can.  Also a possiblity is the Zombie run in August.  Exited for all the events and lots of Training with Lori Hardin.